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《商业与策略 Strategy+Business》杂志  
《商业与策略 Strategy+Business》杂志
封面报道 Cover Story
商业与策略 Strategy+Business
 本期目录:《商业与策略 Strategy+Business》杂志

语   种:英文
国际刊号:ISSN 1083-706X

零 售 价:300元/期,全年4期
全年订阅:1200元 VIP价格:1200元





战略+业务(s + b)是一个获奖的管理杂志,为世界各地的企业和组织的决策者。我们的目的是阐明领导者面临的复杂选择 - 战略,营销,运营,人力资本,治理和其他领域 - 以及他们决策的影响。s + b以印刷版,网络版和各种平台上的数字版本出版。
战略+业务由PwC Strategy&LLC出版。我们发布的文章的特点是:杰出贡献者。我们的特色是由首席执行官和其他知名的企业领导,畅销的商业思想家和哲学家,着名的学者和研究人员,来自普华永道网络的经验丰富的从业人员和记者在记录下揭示表面以下的模式的记录。

挑衅的“思想领袖”访谈,“创意思维”简介和“年轻教授”访谈和作文,深入与前首席执行官和作家劳伦斯·博西迪等着名人物; 哈佛商学院教授和作家Clayton Christensen; 心理学家和诺贝尔奖得主丹尼尔·卡尼曼; 互联网先驱和哈佛大学教授Lawrence Lessig; 和新加坡国立大学作家,外交官和教授Kishore Mahbubani

strategy+business (s+b) is an award-winning management magazine for decision makers in businesses and organizations around the world. Our purpose is to illuminate the complex choices that leaders face — in strategy, marketing, operations, human capital, governance, and other domains — and the impact of their decisions. s+b is published in print, on the web, and in digital editions on a variety of platforms.

strategy+business is published by PwC Strategy& LLC. The articles we publish are characterized by:

Distinguished contributors. We feature writing by chief executives and other well-known corporate leaders, best-selling business thinkers and philosophers, prominent academics and researchers, seasoned practitioners from the PwC network, and journalists with a track record in revealing the patterns below the surface.

Distinctive content. Our purpose is to find and share the ideas and stories that raise the game for management, written and expounded clearly enough to provide the basis for thoughtful action. Through in-depth feature stories, thought leader interviews, and strategic commentaries, each issue of strategy+business provides an informed, global perspective on ideas and practices relevant to large-scale corporations. Ongoing features and studies include:

The “Global Innovation 1000” study, examining corporate spending on research and development each year
“CEO Success Study”: an overview of the trends affecting the length of chief executive tenure and the nature of turnover in the role
Our compendium of “Recent Research,” summarizing academic studies and their implications for real-world corporate action
“Best Business Books,” an annual roundup and assessment of the year’s most important books
Provocative “Thought Leader” interviews, “Creative Mind” profiles, and "Young Profs" interviews and essays, going in depth with notable figures such as former chief executive and author Lawrence Bossidy; Harvard Business School professor and author Clayton Christensen; psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman; Internet pioneer and Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig; and Kishore Mahbubani, author, diplomat, and professor at the National University of Singapore
Coverage of trends in neuroscience, lean thinking, emerging markets, corporate governance, and digital media, and their implications for business leadership
Valuable thinking and practice in marketing, media, operations, health care, innovation, finance, energy, and more



《商业与策略 Strategy+Business》杂志

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