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China International Bussiness《中国外经贸》杂志
封面报道 Cover Story
Where is the money,and who is buying
 本期目录:China International Bussiness《中国外经贸》杂志

Published by:International Business Daily
Edited by:China International Bussiness
Editor-in-Chief:Sun Jishan
Managing Editor:Li Ruxue
Executive Editor:Janine Coughlin
Associate Editor:Isabel Ding

全年订阅360元 VIP价格:306元

  China International Business is the fastest-growing and most highly regarded English language business magazine in China. Our team of respected journalists and expert commentators cover the stories that matter for the people that matter, keeping our readers abreast of the latest news, trends and developments affecting their businesses in China. Our readers are key decision-makers in foreign-invested enterprises across China.


  China International Business has a confirmed circulation of 60,181 copies and a projected readership of over 264,796 for each issue targeting major cities and regions including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong. We also have some distribution in second tier cities such as Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao, Harbin, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi’an and Sanya.


  Complimentary copies of CIB are also distributed at high-visibility venues that provide saturation exposure around China, including airlines, luxury hotels, business clubs, embassies, consulates, and chambers of commerce. China International Business is also available in over 133 Starbucks locations in China. Paid annual subscriptions and retail copies are distributed to readers inside and outside of China.


  China International Business is published monthly in cooperation with International Business Daily and the support of the Ministry of Commerce.



 Where is the money,and who is buying
 what in China's elderly consumer market?

Face to Face
 Chief Marketing Office of PepsiCo
 International,China Beverages,and China's"young consumer guy"

 Without job prospects,China's young graduates are increasingly looking to go it alone

Eye on HR
 Finding the right job is more important than finding the best paid job
 Rising taxes on spirits will not stop the growth of the baijiu industry

 Lawsuits and bitterness mark the end of they's Chinese distribution rights toBlizzard's World of Warcraft
China International Bussiness《中国外经贸》杂志
China International Bussiness《中国外经贸》杂志
China International Bussiness《中国外经贸》杂志