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封面报道 Cover Story
The geo-pattern of course shifts of the Lower Yellow River

创刊时间:1990 年
主  编:郑 度
国内刊号:CN 11-4546/P
国际刊号:ISSN 1009-637X

零 售 价:120元/期,全年12期
全年订阅:1440元 VIP价格:1440元




《地理学报》(英文版)杂志 2020年出版周期:月刊,单价调整为:120元,全年:12期,全年价格:1440元。

《地理学报》(英文版)杂志 2019年出版周期:月刊,单价:80元,全年12期,全年价格:960元





Climate Change
Climate change and its driving effect on the runoff in the “Three-River Headwaters”region
Spatio-temporal changes of NDVI and its relation with climatic variables in the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers
Impact of urban expansion on meteorological observation data and overestimation to regional air temperature in China
Spatial and temporal trends of climate change in Xinjiang, China

Earth Surface Process
The geo-pattern of course shifts of the Lower Yellow River
Scour and silting evolution and its influencing factors in Inner Mongolian Reach of the Yellow River
Temporal variability of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the sea during 1950-2008
Composition, origin and weathering process of surface sediment in Kumtagh Desert, Northwest China
Morphometric analysis of the drainage system and its hydrological implications in the rain shadow regions, Kerala, India

Applications of GIS
Scale effect and methods for accuracy evaluation of attribute information loss in rasterization
Scale effects of the continental coastline of China

Human-Environment Interactions
Adaptation strategies to pasture degradation: Gap between government and local nomads in the eastern Tibetan Plateau
Uncertainty evaluation of the coordinated development of urban human settlement environment and economy in Changsha city
Land use change and soil erosion in the Maotiao River watershed of Guizhou Province